Cancellation Policy

Private Lesson

If you are unable to attend your private lesson, please provide at least 8 hours' notice. You can do this through the MindBody app, or by calling or emailing us. If less than 8 hours' notice is given, please call us directly. Unfortunately, the lesson will be forfeited, but you are welcome to reschedule when you're ready.

Group Class

If you have registered for a group class and realize you won’t be able to attend, please call us directly or use the MindBody app to cancel.

If a class is canceled by the instructor, this will be reflected on the schedule. Anyone already registered will receive an automatic email and a phone call to ensure they are aware of the change. All payments will be honored for the next class.


If you need to cancel your auto-billing membership—whether group or private—we ask for a signed, written notice 30 days in advance. This notice should include:

  • The date of the request

  • The type of request (e.g., cancel or pause membership)

  • The type of membership (e.g., 2 per month private or 1 group class per week)

  • The effective date of cancellation (30 days after the notice)

  • The signature of the person holding the membership

If you have any special requests, please include those as well. Please email or drop off this notice. A form is provided below for your convenience. Any lessons remaining after proper cancellation will be available for use at your convenience. However, if there is any breach of contract, you will forfeit any remaining lessons.

Download form here